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Calvary...A place to Grow

      A place to call Home!



Welcome, and thank you for visiting Calvary Baptist Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.



Service Times



Sunday Morning services time:

    Sunday School 9:30am

    Morning Worship 10:30am

     Evening Services 6:00pm

Wednesday 6:30pm

     Bible Study & Prayer


2nd Wednesday Evening of each month at 6:00pm

      Business Meeting


Thursday 2:00pm  

     Ladies Bible Study

          Leader:   Bonnie Slick


Last Saturday of the month...

       8:30am    Men's Breakfast

      10:00am   Deacon's Meeting



Our Mission


Calvary Baptist's Goal as a church is 5-fold.....


To Be...

  • Soul winning Church

  • Discipleship Church

  • Missionary Minded and Giving Church

  • Praying Church

  • Loving, Caring Body of Christ


How are we working to achieve these goals?


Each week, we go out and canvas the area.  Our vision is to reach every home in Richmond and Wayne County for the cause of Christ.


The Word of God goes forth in each service for the purpose of helping people grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord.  Spiritural growth takes place in our lives on different levels, much like physical growth is also different in each of us.


As a congregation we currently support six foreign missionaries and two home missionaries.








We have a prayer chain which is contacted whenever anyone has a need they would like prayer for.  At some point in the future we would like to see a 24/7 prayer ministry as well.


The love, care and concern for one another in the body of Christ at Calvary is evident in many ways throughout the congregation.  Cards and flowers for the sick, phone calls to check on them, visits to the hospital and nursing homes......these are all vital to in our ministry.

We invite you to come visit!
Our Pastor


Pastor Curt Nies has a BS from North Central Bible college.  He has been a pastor for 37 years and recently received an Honorary Doctorate from Liberty Baptist College and Seminary in Florida.  He along with his wife, Marsha have been at Calvary since June of 2011.  They have five grown children and two grandchildren.






We are located on the west side of Richmond, Indiana directly behind the Richmond High School.


121 SW "E" Street


















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